My family has been in a bit of a co-sleeping conundrum recently. Baby C loves co-sleeping, and he's been in our bed since last winter when he came down with a cold and I couldn't bear leaving him in the bassinet because I felt like our bedroom was too cold and drafty. Lately C has been cutting molars and needs a lot of nursing, all night long. In this regard, having him in the bed with me is much better for me and C because we can easily nurse and both get back to sleep without too much disruption. Lately, T comes in the bed in the middle of the night most nights(even though she used to sleep the whole night through in her own bed -- after some harrowing sleep training) and I let her come in the bed because, frankly, it's just easier than getting out of bed and getting her back into her own room. There are pros and cons to this co-sleeping thing. Here are the cons:
1. My husband doesn't like it, he wants the bed to be for us -- understandably -- and also feels like he has hardly enough room when both kids and me are in it.
2. My husband and I have virtually no alone time.
3. I have to stay in the bed starting at 8PM because I have to make sure that Charlie doesn't roll or try to crawl off the side of the bed.
4. Charlie's naps happen in the sling, or carseat. We've started putting him down in his crib but his naps aren't as long there.
1. I really like snuggling with my kids while they are sleeping. I also like watching them sleep. It's rare to be able to look at them holding still like that at any other time and there is nothing more beautiful than your own sleeping child.
2. I don't have to get out of bed to nurse Charlie in the night. Therefore, it's a lot easier for me to get back to sleep.
3. Charlie will only be a baby for a little while longer. And I'm not going to have any more kids. Soon he will be a bigger boy, and then I'm sure I can get him and Tilda to share a room and snuggle with eachother, freeing up our bed.
4. Same goes for Tilda -- I do believe that at a certain age she won't want to snuggle in bed with me anymore, and since I'm at work all week, I like having what time I can get with her.
There are many, many theories about sleeping in the same bed as your kids -- I love this article from BrainChild Magazine that expresses my sentiments exactly. But I think if my husband wasn't upset about this arrangement, I would just sigh and happily give in to having two tiny nighttime snugglers surround me like kittens, and I'm the mama cat. In fact, that's one of the things that I enjoy about parenting (and enjoyed about being pregnant) the primal, instinctual qualities of it all. In the end, it just feels right to me to have my kids sleep by my side, but it doesn't feel right to upset my husband. I'll let you know if we come up with any good solutions. If any of you have any good solutions -- please let me know!